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"Backpack & Beyond: Discovering the Keys to the Kingdom" by Stacy Dodd AVAILABLE NOW!
5.0 out of 5 stars Well-written, engaging, uplifting, and fast-paced. Five Stars!
Reviewed in the United States on January 20, 2021
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Once on a crash-and-burn downhill slide to hell, Stacy Dodd is now a respected community leader, author, speaker, and ministry facilitator. He takes the reader on a whirlwind ride through his childhood experimentation with drugs at the tender age of seven, through his addiction, despair, homelessness, and ultimately to the brink of suicide, at the point when all avenues were closed and all hope was gone. Stacy's cry out to God seemed to turn things the wrong way round, and instead of all his problems being solved, God took him straight to prison, on a suicide watch.
But as God usually does, He didn't leave Stacy there. He transformed him and gave him a new life, a new family, and a new purpose, called out by God to perform His work. Open the covers of this quick read and find out how God can radically transform a person and use him for His glory.
Drug Content:
R - The majority of this book covers a lot of ground, from alcoholism to street drug addictions, and the destruction that accompany them. Cocaine, Marijuana, Methamphetamines and crack cocaine are mentioned, as the author had struggles with all of these.
PG - The dangers of street violence and the near-death experiences of being shot at by enraged locals are touched on but there is no graphic violence.
G - There is no profanity in here, it's squeaky clean.
Adult Content:
PG - The practice of drug dealers in getting girls hooked on drugs and then prostituting them or using them is touched on, but there's no graphic adult content at all.
Christian content:
God is the central character in this autobiography, and that comes through loud and clear. Without being preachy or depending heavily on scripture, Dodd takes a passenger observer approach to how God worked in his life, revealing at every touchpoint how and why God was working as He did. Stacy's quiet and firm faith comes through in every sentence. The work of God is revealed clearly on the tapestry of the beautiful transformation that is the testimony contained between these covers.
Final analysis:
I must admit that I was quite excited to get my hands on a copy of this book. Stacy's testimony has long been a centerpoint of conversation in the circles I run in, and having sat under him in ministries like Celebrate Recovery and Small Group, I can attest to the after picture of his walk quite well.
As to the quality of this book, it's conversationally written in Dodd's engaging matter-of-fact style. It's fast-paced, gripping, and encouraging. For anyone who has struggles with addictions and hangups, here is a book that not only tells you there's hope for you, it gives you a road map on how to get help. Well-written, fast-paced, engaging, and informative, this is a book I'm glad to have in my library. Five Stars!